war thunder hawker hunter

Why Is The War Thunder Hawker Hunter The Best Fighter Jet

This War Thunder Hawker Hunter is a replica of this  Hunter F.1 is a British Jetfighter VI. The combat level is 9.0 (AB / RB / SB). Similarly, it was introduced in update 1.53, “Firestorm.” And is a high-performance aircraft with fast maneuverability and can hit four 30 mm ADEN cannons.

Similarly, The F.1 follows the vampire FB.1 and poisons FB.4 and gives an initial steep learning curve. The plane is speedy, and when full, the Hunter can make supersonic dives.

Moreover, the Hunter is a 9.0 vehicle, and its main advantages are high speed and a good barrel, with good shooting capabilities and good zoom.

Besides, the Hunter’s agility is not as good as that of the F-86 and MiG-15, thrust and weight are good, and it is the second-fastest.

However, the rate of climb is much slower than other nozzles, so some climbing is necessary. Stay fast and do not descend below 850 TAS (around 800 km / h in the air).

War Thunder Hawker Hunter Armaments

The ADEN 30mm cannon is a mighty cannon. Like the turret gun, it has a high-speed rate of fire and excellent ballistic characteristics. Thanks to the four 30mm ADEN Cannon packages, the Hunter F Mk.1 is the aircraft with the highest impact mass of nearly 21 kg / s.

Besides, due to this weapon’s nature, four of them pose a serious threat to all targets. However, the downside to cannons is that you have to be careful with the amount of ammo as it has a high rate of fire, and the ammo chews up quickly.

Subsequent rounds that are inconspicuous can mislead players and make their shot appear to be just a glance, but the experience of those who think this way is quickly reversed.

With the Hunter’s invasion ammunition, it can launch ground attacks on light and medium tanks.

The Hawker Hunter’s real advantages and disadvantages.

What we like

  • Maximum acceleration in your area (900 km / h or more)
  • The best jet machine for new players. Good guns, good speed, the wings are hard to tear.
  • Large and efficient air brake
  • Excellent armament; So far, the four 30mm ADEN cannons are the best air combat weapons in the game and can detonate anything in no time.
  • Excellent energy retention
  • The MiG-17 and MiG-15 is a comparable craft.
  • Tilt 10 ° to use up to 6 modern nozzles
  • This weapon can destroy tanks and lightboxes
  • The amp allows it to operate polarized missiles at high speed
  • The 30mm gun has a high rate of fire

What we don’t like:

  • All the energy and speed advantages of the aircraft can only be at lower levels
  • Most inverted nozzles can only accelerate, consume power, spin fighters, or use air-to-air rockets.
  • Almost all supersonic nozzles, such as CL-13B and G-91YS, are a nightmare
  • They don’t have air-to-air missiles
  • It isn’t easy to use with MiG-17. The main reason is that it has excellent spin, climb speed, and operability.
  • Due to low operability, it is not a great support vehicle. Similarly, It becomes a liability when the other members of the team disappear.
  • Poor horizontal rotation performance
  • Great goals, especially the turns
  • It has a Poor mobility


War Thunder Hawker Hunter Like many early jet planes, the Hawker is slow between takeoff and landing and is helpless at slow speeds. However, when this fighter starts to accelerate, it can reach speeds in excess of 800 km/ h, and like the first French mystery hunters, it can only reach supersonic speeds while diving.

The fighter has exemplary energy conservation, much larger than supersonic planes, especially many subsonic airplanes, and can maintain control of the battlefield.

Some others Page: A Guide To The War Thunder Squadron Vehicles

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