war thunder tiny tim

What Is The War Thunder Tiny Tim

The War Thunder Tiny Tim 13 kN (3,000 lb) explosion is a powerful rocket engine that could damage a carrier aircraft, so the rocket has a modification to fall like a bomb. In WT, it is mainly in use to bust bunkers and ships.

Similarly, the rocket engine can be started at a safe distance from the aircraft, and it falls.

Due to the projectile’s actual massive size and weight, a semi-armored projectile’s primary function is not to explode on the surface of an object but to partially pierce the item before it explodes.

In this way, the bomb can pierce the hull or concrete of the bunker with brute force before it explodes or weakens the tank’s armor with brute force, sending shock waves inside and out.

Effective damage

  • Made on buildings (brute force generated by the hull, reinforced concrete, or tank armor)
  • Delayed blast damage
  • Delayed damage due to shock waves

Vehicles equipped with these weapons

Below are the vehicles that they equip with the Tiny Tim bomb in WT. So if you are a player and want to use the bomb, you are more likely to succeed if you are a bomber.

  • Fighters include the following – F6F-5, F6F-5, F6F-5N, F6F-5N, Hellcat MkII, F8F-1, F8F-1B, and F8F-1B
  • Twin-engine fighter includes the F7F-3
  • Jetfighter includes the F3D-1, F-84, B-26, F-84, G-21-RE, F-84, G-21-RE, F-84, G-21-RE, and F-84G-26-RE
  • The Intruder includes the AD-2, AD-4, AM-1 and AU-1
  • Bomber this includes the PV-2D

The main target of the Tiny Tim rocket

The main targets of this bomb include the following vehicles and locations. These are excellent targets because, as we mentioned above, the bomb works effectively during these raids.

  • Tank
  • Tablet box
  • Ferry
  • Bridge

Similarly, the team’s unguided missile is on the F6F-5N. So please pay close attention to all the gameplay details of the rocket engine.

What are the actual Pros and cons of the War Thunder Tiny Tim


  • Massive rockets that do significant damage
  • Semi-armor penetrating bullet


  • A large missile that limits the payload of an aircraft
  • The weight of 1,250 lb (569 kg) limits other payloads that the aircraft can carry.
  • Learning how to target them can be difficult.
  • If the distance is too short, it is easy to destroy the aircraft

During World War II, many attackers and aircraft attempting to bomb enemy ships die by anti-aircraft fire. Many bullets and explosive hand grenades tried to unload the aircraft before delivery.

In response to these challenges, the US Navy is trying to develop weapons that can sink ships while reducing anti-aircraft fire threats from approaching aircraft. As a result of this development, she achieved the largest anti-ship missile at the time, Tiny Tim, and even a German dwarf based on the BR21 Nebelwerfer.


Tiny Tim provided only limited service during WWII and was in use in the Battle of Okinawa and the Korean War that followed. The targets include bridges, concrete pillboxes that they reinforce, tanks, ships, and other targets, such as missiles, which are specially set into the object before the target explodes, detonates, and hits the mark.

Tiny Tim’s use in War Thunder is as effective as it was in real and the war. Its damage is devastating, and if you enjoy playing as a bomber in WT, then you need it in your arsenal. Similarly, the game has made this artillery easy to acquire and use.

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