What is the Black Prince War Thunder?

The Black Prince War Thunder had its debut in Update 1.53 “Firestorm”. And it was one of the first British tanks in the game. It was initially available in overseas stores and then later in the winter of 2017 before discontinuation later on.

About the Black Prince War Thunder

The A43 Black Prince offers one of the most powerful weapons in the game. And can destroy tanks such as Ferdinand and IS-2 from 1km away. The reload time is very good within that range, only 7.6 seconds. And can be fatal to enemies when used with heavy armor.

However, the Black Prince has some drawbacks. The additional armor increased the vehicle’s weight, with a top speed of 17 km / h (10 mph). This is very slow, but a reverse speed of just -2 km / h (-1 mph). Due to the low profile of the fuel tank, it is difficult to see strange obstacles such as gravel, hills, and walls.

The Black Prince War Thunder Capabilities

The A.43 Black Prince is a British Premium Gift Class IV heavy tank with combat powers of 6.0 (AB / RB) and 5.7 (SB), respectively. “Firestorm”, was one of the first British tanks in the game.

The A43 Black Prince is Churchill’s with the legendary 17-pound QF weapon. The famous Sherman Firefly M10 Achilles weapon and an 8.8cm German heavy tank like the Tiger Tank. 7.62mm BESA machine gun. This is very suitable for destroying light tanks and SPAA vehicles.

The Armor types of the Black Prince War Thunder:

  • Homogeneous rolled armor (hull)
  • Uniform armor cast (turret front, turret side, dome)

It is vulnerable to HE shells and often bounces off the roof. Ammo is usually along the sides of the vehicle, which is a major weakness for enemy players.

The A43 Black Prince has the thickest armor of all tanks and can continuously attack the front line with larger. And more powerful caliber tanks at close range without causing significant damage (if any).

However, if you encounter tanks that start firing HEAT or HE, they can easily penetrate the armor. Don’t expose your side to enemy players.

This is one of the weakest parts of the tank and is only a part of the lower front of the turret. Not only that, but it also contains ammo positions on both sides.

There is a risk of explosion if touched. If the ammunition does not explode, the flight attendants will be helpless.

Since there is no machine gun on top, it usually has a deterrent effect on low-flying aircraft, making it more vulnerable to aircraft attacks and more likely to be the target of bombers.

Turret and other armaments

Due to the slow movement of the turret, internal machine guns cannot be part of the defense against aircraft attacks. Tanks are discreet and rarely hit the turret in the lower front.

The low design allows enemy bullets to enter the mechanical muzzle of the turret and take down the magazine, so you need to be careful with “hot” and “HE” bullets.

When using APCR, loaded ammunition, or other types of fire, fire like APCBC, APBC, and HEAT can destroy all turret groups.


The Black Prince War Thunder’s defenses are impressive, outperforming many Cannonball IIIs and facing tough challenges at the start of the fourth era.

Therefore, Lord Black can suppress the impact of many barrels at once. Even with 122mm and 152mm shrapnel, this tank is nearly impossible to violently destroy over long distances. Sometimes I break the barrel. If a melee attack causes a barrel damage problem, the tank’s repair speed is often faster than the enemy’s supply speed, leading to the prince’s victory.

Related Article: War Thunder Base Bombing

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